
Child Safety & Wellness Information

Who We Are

Child Safety Center is a newly founded non-profit organization dedicated to providing education, expertise, research, and professional resources about various safety topics. This website covers child safety at every age, from early infancy to late teenage years. Some of the topics we focus on include physical safety, school safety, home safety, online safety, mental health safety, among other categories. Our organization was founded by parents who believe that every mother and father should have detailed insight into the best ways to raise a happy, healthy, and most importantly, safe child.

Our Mission to Parents

The Child Safety Center's mission is to arm families with the vital safety knowledge needed to make the best choices for them when it comes to keeping their kids healthy and strong, both physically and mentally.

Some child safety issues are black and white. For example, it's common sense to not allow your child to talk to strangers or follow them into a home. However, many child safety issues are filled with gray area. Is it okay to let your 12-year-old son play tackle football? Should you let your 16-year-old daughter drive to school on her own? Questions like these do not always have definitive answers, but our hope with this website is to give you the real facts and information that can help you make the right call for your child and family.

Our Child Safety Center will also talk about parenting tools and "life hacks" that will not only help keep your child safe, but also help you assist your child in taking the best possible path to fulfillment, success, and happiness.

Safety by Age

Look through safety topics and tips by age group.

Home Safety

The best practices and latest studies on how to keep your child safe at home.

School Safety

Learn about how to protect your child at school and around their peers.

Mental Health Safety

Articles centered around maintaining the emotional wellbeing of your child.

Special Needs Safety

Information regarding safety advice for parents with special needs children.

Safety Resources

Other safety and state resources that also focus on child safety and child injuries.